尋找貓咪~QQ 地點 桃園市桃園區 Taoyuan , Taoyuan

【用餐點餐英語】牛排幾分熟中英對照 - Getting Closer to God's Voice 1985

如果服務生對你說「Please wait to be seated.」「請等候安排就座」。服務生可能會你說Can I get you something to drink? 你可以回答I’d like a glass of house wine. 簡單說, house wine就是類似那間店的招牌飲品,通常價格會優於wine list上的飲品。

house wine meaning:  House wine refers to wine that is bought in bulk and sold at a special price by a restaurant, bar, hotel, etc. Generally, house wine sold at a lower price than wines specified on the wine list.  House wine is often by the glass as well as by the bottle or unmarked carafe.


carafe(玻璃水瓶): an open-topped glass flask typically used for serving wine or water.


餐廳服務生會對你說「May I have your order, please?=May I take you order?=Are you ready to order?」就是問你準備好要點菜了嗎。你可以問對方:「What’s the special of the day? 或者 What’s today’s special?」因為有一些餐廳會有一些料理是當日的特殊料理。你也可以問服務生「What’s the speciality of the restaurant?」看看餐廳有沒有什麼招牌,也可以請服務生推薦「What would you recommend/suggest?」


點菜句型:I’ll have….或I’d like….

點牛排,服務生一定會問幾分熟:「How would you like your steak done? How would you like your steak served?」


一分熟(seared/very rare/blue rare):內部通常是冷的


三分熟(medium rare)


七、八分熟(medium well done)周圍呈淡粉紅

全熟(well-done)…..「I’ll have my steak well-done.」


Chef Michael Lomonaco asserts that medium rare is the most ideal option because it provides the best and truest flavour of the beef.  Anything above medium-rare can lead to a tough and chewy piece of meat. (Reference.) 



吃飽要求買單:「Could I have the check?/May I have the check, please?/Check, please.」

飯友分開付賬,可以對服務生說:「Separate check, please.」









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