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2018 Amazon 暢銷書第三名|A Higher Loyalty by James Comey(詹姆士·柯米)是美國前任聯邦調查局長

2018 Amazon 暢銷書第三名,四月17日才剛發售,書名是:A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership Hardcover,作者: James Comey(詹姆士·柯米)是前任聯邦調查局長(第七任美國聯邦調查局局長),由巴拉克·歐巴馬提名,自2013年9月4日起就任,2017年5月9日被總統唐納·川普終止職務。 他被指在2016年美國總統選舉期間,干涉調查希拉蕊·柯林頓的電郵爭議,他的決定被許多分析者指稱可能影響了最終的選舉結果。 

出生: 1960 年 12 月 14 日(57歲),美國紐約州揚克斯
身高: 2.03 公尺
配偶: Patrice Failor (結婚於 1987 年)
著作: A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership Hardcover, Mensonges et vérités. Une loyauté à toute épreuve (DOCS,TEMOIGNAGE) (French Edition) 共出版一本電子書與實體書。
子女: 布里·科米, 莫琳·科米, 阿比·科米, 科林·科米, 克萊爾·科米, 凱特·科米
學歷: 芝加哥大學法學院 (1985 年), 威廉與瑪麗學院 (1982 年), Northern Highlands Regional High School


1. “I know I can be wrong, even when I am certain I am right. Listening to others who disagree with me and are willing to criticize me is essential to piercing the seduction of certainty.”
2. “Ethical leaders do not run from criticism, especially self-criticism, and they don’t hide from uncomfortable questions. They welcome them.”
3. “Doubt, I’ve learned, is wisdom. And the older I get, the less I know for certain. Those leaders who never think they are wrong, who never question their judgments or perspectives, are a danger to the organizations and people they lead. In some cases, they are a danger to the nation and the world.”
4. “There is meaning and purpose in not surrendering in the face of loss, but instead working to bind up wounds, ease pain, and spare others what you have seen.” 

5. “The Constitution and the rule of law are not partisan political tools. Lady Justice wears a blindfold. She is not supposed to peek out to see how her political master wishes her to weigh a matter.”

6. “The easy, casual lies—those are a very dangerous thing. They open up the path to the bigger lies, in more important places, where the consequences aren’t so harmless.”

7. “the doorframes were about six feet, seven inches high. To navigate, I would discreetly bob my head down as if nodding to an unseen companion as I walked. I had no idea how finely calibrated my ducking was until I got new soles and heels on a pair of dress shoes during the George W. Bush administration. Apparently, this refurbished footwear made me about a half-inch taller than usual. Rushing so as not to be late to a Situation Room meeting with the president, I did the usual bob and smacked my head so hard that I rocked backward, stunned. A Secret Service agent asked me if I was okay. I said yes, and continued walking, stars in my eyes. As I sat at the table with the president and his national security team, I began to feel liquid on my scalp and realized I was bleeding. So I did the obvious thing: I kept tilting my head in different directions to keep the running blood inside my hairline. Heaven only knows what President Bush thought was wrong with me, but he never saw my blood.”

# calibratevt.測定……的口徑;校準

8.  “Whenever I speak to young people, I suggest they do something that might seem a little odd: Close your eyes, I say. Sit there, and imagine you are at the end of your life. From that vantage point, the smoke of striving for recognition and wealth is cleared. Houses, cars, awards on the wall? Who cares? You are about to die. Who do you want to have been? I tell them that I hope some of them decide to have been people who used their abilities to help those who needed it—the weak, the struggling, the frightened, the bullied. Standing for something. Making a difference. That is true wealth.”

9. “But forest fires, as painful as they can be, bring growth. They spur growth that was impossible before the fire, when old trees crowded out new plants on the forest floor. In the midst of this fire, I already see new life—young people engaged as never before, and the media, the courts, academics, nonprofits, and all other parts of civil society finding reason to bloom.”

10. “We all have a tendency to surrender our moral authority to “the group,” to still our own voices and assume that the group will handle whatever difficult issue we face. We imagine that the group is making thoughtful decisions, and if the crowd is moving in a certain direction, we follow, as if the group is some moral entity larger than ourselves. In the face of the herd, our tendency is to go quiet and let the group’s brain and soul handle things. Of course, the group has no brain or soul separate from each of ours. But by imagining that the group has these centers, we abdicate responsibility, which allows all groups to be hijacked by the loudest voice, the person who knows how brainless groups really are and uses that to his advantage.” 

11. “He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and third time, till at length it becomes habitual; he tells lies without attending to it, and truths without the world’s believing him. This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart, and in time depraves all its good dispositions. —THOMAS JEFFERSON”

#compulsive liar, falseness 

#A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership Hardcover |quote 

James Comey gets real in CNN town hall




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