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來自印度的男孩接手Google CEO「Sundar Pichai」 專欄 |他與妻子Anjali Pichai 同學變戀人的愛情故事

2015年Sundar Pichai 出任Google公司執行長兼董事長。Pichai 究竟是誰引發外界的關注。

Who Is Anjali Pichai?

Pichai 不使用 Instagram,也很少用 Twitter,只使用 Google+。 Pichai 作風低調,年僅四十多歲的他即便蓄鬍,外貌看起來比實際年齡年輕不少。關於川普對移民的看法,Pichai 一度表示:「不要讓恐懼擊敗我們的價值觀,我們必須支持穆斯林以及美國和世界其他的少數民族團體。」他的貼文秀出過自己欣賞的人物,如:納爾遜·曼德拉、安東尼·沙迪德、丹尼斯·裡奇、旺加裡·馬塔伊以及約翰·麥卡錫和亞倫·斯沃茨等。

皮采·桑達拉拉揚(坦米爾語:பிச்சை சுந்தரராஜன்,印地語:सुंदर पिचाई,英語:Pichai Sundararajan。1972年出生),印度裔美國電腦工程師,Google公司高級經理人,擔任過Android部門、Chrome部門與Google Apps部門的主管。  Pichai 的全名是 Pichai Sundararajan,在印度的金奈長大。父親是電氣工程師,母親做過速記員的工作。家境小康,住在一間兩居室的公寓,男孩們睡在客廳。據了解,Pichai 從小便展特有的記憶天賦,特別是數字,譬如能夠記住家裡的旋轉式電話撥過的所有號碼。

在印度理工學院坎普爾分校 (Indian Institutes of Technology Kanpur)獲得過工學學士學位(冶金工程)並被授予學院銀獎章,擁有史丹佛大學的理學碩士學位(材料科學與工程)以及賓州大學沃頓商學院的工商管理學碩士學位。拿過史丹佛的獎學金Pichai 在印度理工學院主攻冶金工程,但後來對電腦產生興趣,開始寫軟體程序。

Pichai 在斯坦福大學拿到碩士學位,接著攻讀了賓夕法尼亞大學沃頓商學院的 MBA 項目。進入 Google 前先後任職於 Applied Materials 公司和麥肯錫公司。Pichai 於 2004 年的愚人節在 Googleplex 面試 Google 職位,這一天正好是 Google 推出 Gmail 的日子,同年他加入Google團隊,最初在 Google 的搜索工具欄工作。 為Google進行管理與創新,包括Google Chrome、Chrome OS以及他主要負責的Google 雲端硬碟。同時監督不同應用程式的開發,如Gmail和Google 地圖。

小編身為gmail的使用者,不得不說用手機綁定信箱加深安全性的做法,挺可取。雲端硬碟的發明,也是一大創新。儘管 Twitter 數字向 Pichai 提出高級職位的誘因,他仍然是堅守 Google。

Pichai 被任命為 Google 的leader 並不意外,因為他負責公司的諸多核心產品。據了解,Pichai 說服 Larry Page 和 Sergey Brin 構建 Google 自己的瀏覽器。結果 Chrome 成為了最常用瀏覽器。作為領導者,據了解Pichai 深受員工喜愛和崇拜。他累積不少工作成就,如Pichai 推動了 Google 於 2014 年對 Nest 的 32 億美元收購案。Pichai 的薪酬高是理所當然的。據媒體報導, 2016 年 初,Pichai 從公司獲得了價值約 1.83 億美元的股票,據彭博社的數據,這是 Google 為高管開出的最高薪酬。 Pichai 的祖國視他為勵志人生的英雄,也不為過。


Who is Sundar Pichai’s Wife?


▲Sundar Pichai (right), Google CEO and his wife, Anjali Pichai, arrive on the red carpet during the 2nd annual Breakthrough Prize Award in Mountain View, California on Nov. 9, 2014.

Accoridng to Sundar’s friends, Sundar is good at carom and TT, which refers to table tennis. Sundar’s relatives said that when he was overly shy that he would never even look at girls sitting next to him until he met Anjali. It is said that Sundar was a nerd that d didn’t socialise  much with the ladies.

 Sundar met his wife at his college, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), to be more precisely, Kharagpur. He was pursuing a degree in Metallurgical Engineering. They were from the same batch and Anjali was his classmate. The kept friendship for a very long time, and both enjoy each other’s company. Sundar  retold their dating experience in saying that whenever he wanted to talk to Anjali  he had to  walk into the front-desk of girl’s hostel and asked other girls to inform her. And they would make it loudly in saying ” Anjali, Sundar is here. ” 

It is said that after several months of dating, Sundar proposed to Anjali before graduation and she accepted.  Upon graduation, Sundar won a scholarship to Stanford University. But he was not financially independent yet. Hence, both of them had to endure long distant relationship when Sundar moved to U. S to pursues his  master degree and Anjali remained in India. They were unable to talk to each other for 6 long months for the sake of money issueNevertheless,absence does make the heart grow fonder!

They got married after Sundar was able to get a regular job in U.S and they earned the permission from both of their parents.  They have two kids, daughter named Kavya and their son named KiranBoth of them attempted to keep their family life out of the media and they currently resides in Los Altos Hills, California.Ever since they tied the knot, their marriage has been  free  form any scandal. 

Anjali Pichai Bio

Anjali was born in Kota, Rajasthan, a northern Indian state which borders Pakistan.  She studied chemical engineering at the IIT ( Indian Institute of Technology) and graduated in 1993.  Upon graduation, Anjali worked as a business manager and business operator  in India. She relocated her further studies in U.S.

In 1999, Anjali started working with Accenture in the role of a business analyst for three years.Currently, she works as a business operations manager at Intuit. 

Profession‎: ‎Business Analyst
Parents‎: ‎Olaram Haryani (Father)
Education‎: ‎Indian Institute of Technology

Note: It is said that  Sundar once got an offer from Microsoft to become the CEO and he was also contacted by Yahoo! and Twitter.

tag: Love Story Of Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai And His Wife Anjali, Anjali Haryani And Sundar Rajan Picchai Marriage Photos,  Sarojini Naidu Hall, Sundar’s dating histoy and love story.  Sundar and Anjali ‘s love story. B.Tech,  tech giants


題外話:過去看過諸多印度的報導,對當地的治安感到憂心,因此印度被小編列為畢生不可能參訪的國家之一。但陸續看過印度電影《我和我的冠軍女兒》(Dangal)及Google CEO 「Sundar Pichai」的故事,對這個國家又多了不同以往的觀感。


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